Favorite Quotes:
- "They don't teach you practical info and application in school, that's why it was so important for me to coach right away afterwards"
- "You can never get complacent in your learning"
- "The best sprinters are front-side dominant from start to finish"
- "At the first step, my fast athletes are around 60-65% RF, and at 10y at about 30-35% RF"
- The 5-10-5 and L-Drill is basically a choreographed dance"
- "One of the most successful top-end sprinting drills I've found is to have the athlete hold a medicine ball (4-6lbs) in front of their body at waist level, and think about trying to "knee" the ball with each stride while still running as fast as possible"
- "You don't want to force horizontal force during acceleration because guys then hunch over and run in these awkward positions"
- "One of the great aspects of the 1080 sprint or other modes of sprint profiling is we can specifically look at where an athlete is strong and weak during a sprint. Are they strong accelerators or do they have great top-end speed. Two guys could run a 4.5sec 40y dash, but how they got there could be completely different"
- "I see heavy sleds as a specific strength drill - not neccesarily something that will help a 40y dash - instead help a RB run through an arm tackle or help 1st step orientation and positioning"
- ""Focus drill structure on what the intention is behind a drill - so instead of saying - today we're working on a hip turn, instead say - today we're working on starting to the side to chase a player that got behind us"
Books: Dinner:
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Fergus Connolly
- Leonardo DaVinci
- Twitter - @CamJosse
- Instagram - @CamJosse