In this episode, we brought back EPP Alumni - Shawn Myszka owner of Movement Mastery, and Korey Van Wyk S&C Coach at Northwestern University.
The three of us recently attended a conference in Phoenix, AZ that focused around Skill Acquisition so we decided to hop on to talk about all things Skill Acquisition and Movement. During this 75min talk, we discuss everything from what Repetition without Repetition means, misconceptions about Agility, how to progress Agility, the 3-B's of movement, and much more.
We also discuss concepts like Constraints Led Approach, Non-Linear Pedagogy, Ecological Psychology, and Dynamical Systems and how all of these can be applied to coaching movement and make our athletes take the skills we work on in practice and ensure the have greater transfer and retention.
Honestly, this was just us talking, without much of a script or outline - just shooting out questions and thoughts as they emerged. We really hope you enjoyed this discussion, and I would love feedback as I hope to make more upcoming podcasts along these lines - so feel free to shoot me over feedback to [email protected]
Favorite Quotes
Social Media
The three of us recently attended a conference in Phoenix, AZ that focused around Skill Acquisition so we decided to hop on to talk about all things Skill Acquisition and Movement. During this 75min talk, we discuss everything from what Repetition without Repetition means, misconceptions about Agility, how to progress Agility, the 3-B's of movement, and much more.
We also discuss concepts like Constraints Led Approach, Non-Linear Pedagogy, Ecological Psychology, and Dynamical Systems and how all of these can be applied to coaching movement and make our athletes take the skills we work on in practice and ensure the have greater transfer and retention.
Honestly, this was just us talking, without much of a script or outline - just shooting out questions and thoughts as they emerged. We really hope you enjoyed this discussion, and I would love feedback as I hope to make more upcoming podcasts along these lines - so feel free to shoot me over feedback to [email protected]
Favorite Quotes
- Sport is nothing but a problem solving activity, where movements are used to produce the necessary solutions
- As the problem changes, so does the solution (movement)
- No 2 problems are never exactly the same, therefore no 2 solutions will ever be the same
- Behaviors - Sensory Perception; Brain - Cognitive-Decision Making; Biomechanics - Action
- Perception - Intention - Action
- We shouldn't throw athletes to the wolves, but we should never study action separated from perception
- No phenomon can be understood without carefully considering how it emerged
- People can't even agree to what optimal agility biomechanics are
- The goal of a coach should be to hand the athletes the keys to the car
- I hesitate to call things drills, instead I call them activities of exposure and experience because we're trying to shape exposure and experience so the athletes develop movement adaptability and dexterity
- We often try to make movement to simplistic, but disregard how complex human movement is
- We have to seek to be in a more facilitative role rather than a coaching role
- Professional athletes are the World's best compensators
- The highest technique is to have no technique
Social Media
- Shawn Myszka - @MovementMiyagi
- Korey Van Wyk - @KoreyVanWyk