We explain why we feel they aren't necessary, why we avoid them and the severe short-comings of strictly performing Oly's. Below we outline why we don't perform them and our reasoning.
1. Why Are You Doing Them?
The first question I always ask is why are you performing Oly lifts? Is it because you've seen other people do them, or they look cool, or is it for a specific purpose. I could go and ask High School programs why they are programming Olympic lifts and I wouldn't get a very good answer other than it's what everybody does - unfortunately that's not a very good answer.
If you are going to perform them, then have a concrete reason. If it's because of the power production you can get from them, great. There are many ways to skin a cat and we'll dive into what we think are better ways to develop power in a more time efficient and safe manner. But if you honestly can't answer that question or aren't qualified to answer that question, then you shouldn't be performing Olympic lifts.
2. Assessing Your Athletes
Going hand-in-hand with the question, "why are you performing them", comes this question - Are your athletes qualified for them? Contrary to belief not everyone is suited or ready for the various Olympic lifts.
If you answered no to any of these questions, then sorry to break it to you, it's wise to avoid Olympic lifts.
3. Wear and Tear
Being an athlete is a tough life and the body takes a beating. All sports, but especially contact and collision sports, put tremendous amounts of stress and beating on the bodies joints. If you look at sports like football, baseball, rugby, volleyball, basketball, wrestling - these sports beat the crap out of an athletes wrists, elbows, shoulders, and spine.
Olympic lifts do the same, they bang up these joints and as a coach I'd rather not put more stress and beating on them. The catch of a clean, jerk, and/or snatch is extremely tough on the body and it's not uncommon to see these joints get gunky, bruised, and beat-up when performing these lifts.
I can tell you as a former football player, I hated the Olympic lifts for these reason, my chest/shoulders/wrists always felt cranky and we're never given a rest from practice and them moving on to Oly's during the off-season.
4. Transfer
The goal of Olympic lifting is for power production, and they do a good job at that, specifically in high level performers. Unfortunately the nature of Oly's is strictly a sagittal plane movement. This is fine and dandy for this specific movement, but athletics require a athletes to produce force and movement in many different planes. For success on the field, plane specific movements are needed.
Instead of dedicating 10-15min on doing 6x3 of an Oly variation, we'd rather choose to perform our power work in many different forms and fashions. So in the same amount of time, we can get 2-3 sets of KB swings, Med Ball variation, S/L variation, Transverse variation, etc.
Now I know including Oly's in your program doesn't omit these other variations, but it does typically reduce the amount of time dedicated towards them. From my experience as a player and coach in the college settings, typically 10-20min of daily training time was dedicated to warming-up and performing working sets of a single Oly variation. I just feel there are better uses of time and more focused work.
5. Time
The classic argument against Oly's is the amount of time it takes to teach and learn. The fact is Olympic lifts are an actual sport, with all the details and intricacies that come with a sport. Athletes that compete in the Olympic lifts take years and years to learn and master the movements, and here we are trying to teach athletes of another sport to master these same movements?
Depending on the setting, age of the athlete, and how good of a coach you are, it can take anywhere from 1-session (being generous here) to 2 weeks to 1 full year before an athlete is proficient enough to actually perform with a significant load and perform an adequate Olympic lift.
In a 1-on-1 setting, sure an athlete can learn faster but in a team setting with 30-40 athletes to 1-3 coaches - the logistics just don't make sense. .
Now on the other hand, I can teach a hex bar jump squat and have the athlete loading and performing this movement in 30-seconds. So while the other athlete is taking precious to learn a movement before getting any significant benefit, I can have this other athlete getting hundreds of loaded reps in the same time. Plus all the time saved means I can focus on other plane specific movements or any other skill/quality I want.
Again to reiterate my experience as an athlete and college coach, a typical Oly session will consist of 6-8sets x 1-3 reps. This means only 6-24 total reps in the span of 15-25 minutes, if you're taking adequate rest to maximize training power production.
Instead, I could get 25-40 med ball throws/kettlebell swings/bounds/jumps in 10-q5 minutes. The peak power output of these movements may be slightly lower than Oly's (in some, but not all), but I also performed 9-31 additional reps, at varying loads (surfing the F-V curve) and saved 10-15minutes.
Long story short, our thought process is - not only is time taken to learn and teach longer, but total time during sessions is also longer to potentially perform less work and volume. Again I can take this time on work on other skills/movements that would otherwise be neglected.
6. Coaching and Execution
Maybe my biggest qualm with Olympic lifts is my lack of 100% comfort in teaching them. I can admit that I don't feel comfortable teaching the ins and outs of Olympic lifts, and that's a major reason I don't have my athletes perform them.
I can admit to this, yet the same can be said for most High School coaches and even college coaches. I actually have plenty of experience not only performing Oly's but teaching them to many different populations and I still don't feel competent in teaching them. This leads me to question why so many programs include them yet the coach teaching them has no business teaching them.
If a coach doesn't hold a USAW certification, they probably shouldn't be coaching them. Compound this with what we mentioned earlier, most settings involve a ton of athletes to very few coaches. The overall logistics don't make sense to us and we aren't one to over step the scope of our abilities.
7. Risk Isn't Worth the Reward
The health and safety of our athletes is our number 1 concern and with this in mind, Oly's don't fit into this philosophy. The number of times we've seen athletes doing cleans, snatches, or jerks despite not having full shoulder flexion ROM is difficult to comprehend. Add in seeing athletes who present valgus signs at the elbow performing OH Oly's is another concerning subject. Then add in athletes who can't even perform a quality squat or hip hinge and are trying to perform Oly's is common place.
I just don't find the risk worth the reward. I question where the benefit of Oly's is over loaded jumping, bounding, KB swings, jump squats, etc in terms of both power production and safety.
Go Your Own Way
The biggest takeaway we had from our debate is that there isn't necessarily a right or wrong way. As a coach you have to weigh the pros and cons of your situation and figure out what's best for your athletes. At BBA we critically think about everything we do, and when we critically think about performing Oly's it just doesn't fit our philosophy. The important thing is to do what you believe in and what fits your philosophy; not just what you see others doing.
Hope this information helps your created your own path and philosophy and where the Olympic lifts fit into that scheme.